We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

Since 1990, we have
built the reputation for creating excellence
in legal costing solutions.

Since 1990, we have
built the reputation for creating excellence
in legal costing solutions.

Since 1990, we have
built a reputation of excellence in legal costing solutions.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We are renowned for our expert costs reports verifying reasonable legal fees in class actions.

We are renowned for our expert costs reports verifying reasonable legal fees in class actions.

We are renowned for our expert costs reports verifying reasonable legal fees in class actions.

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We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.

We represent lawyers and clients across Australia in legal costs disputes.


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Founded by Cate Dealehr, ALCG has built a lasting reputation for delivering results.

Founded by Cate Dealehr, ALCG has built a lasting reputation for delivering results.


Founded by Cate Dealehr, ALCG has built a lasting reputation for delivering results.
